If the FDLR had these kinds of resources, it would have built houses, hospitals and clinics, schools, churches..:Bakunzibake


Based on the report MONUSCO filed to the UN headquarters in New York as reported by various media outlets such as News of Rwanda (http://allafrica.com/stories/201408290133.html); in an article entitled: “The biggest secret” The Coalition of Political Parties for Change (Coalition des Partis pour le Changement-CPC) would like to inform the Rwandese people and the International Community as a whole, that the allegations in the so called Monusco report as described by News of Rwanda are baseless lies. This lies are aimed at misleading everyone who is interested in working with the FDLR to bring an end to the security problems in the Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. MONUSCO has constantly tarnished FDLR’s image for the sole purpose of pleasing the Governement of Rwanda, by blaming the FDLR for crimes committed by Kigali proxy groups, including massacres, looting and rape. And now Monusco is spreading fabricated rumors, that FDLR has saved up or made a profit of up to 71 Million USD, just to give the impression that the FDLR is looting Congo’s Wealth, and that it is administering the areas where our refugees are located.

If the FDLR had these kinds of resources, it would have built houses, hospitals and clinics, schools, churches, etc. It is shocking that MONUSCO, an organization that has been in the DRC for the last 12 years, claiming to insure the Congolese peoples’ security, to the tune of one billion three hundred and seventy two million USD($1.572.000.000.00), is still incapable of producing a report at least similar to the one filed by former UN expert Steve Hege, an American, which states the following: The FDLR must be viewed like all other rebel groups in the Great Lakes region, created by mainly refugees or formed by politicians in exile, some of whom managed to overthrow undemocratic regimes: he gives Kagame’s RPF/FPR which was formed in Uganda.( Understanding the FDLR in the DRC :http://www.innercitypress.com/hege1underFDLR.pdf:Key Facts on the Disarmements and Repatriation of Rwandan Rebels). http://www.innercitypress.com/hege1underFDLR.pdf)

How come MONUSCO has not yet filed a report about the atrocities committed by the Rwandese Government, and its countless proxy rebel groups such as RCD-GOMA, CNDP,RAIA MUTOMBOKI, MAI MAI TCHEKA,M23 and many more? These groups are responsible for looting Congo’s natural resources, killing Congolese citizens, raping women, forceful recruitment of children into the armed groups, and the occupation of the territory of a Sovereign State. MONUSCO has never compiled a report for the UN about these actions, like the one they claim to have produced on the FDLR? The fact that the International Community continues to cater to the needs of the Rwandese Government, to the point of collaborating with it in its attempt to kill Rwandan citizens, especially Rwandese Refugees inside the DRC is both shameful and scandalous. It is time for an independent inquiry which should result in a full report into the activities of MONUSCO for the last 12 years, employing twenty two thousand personnel (22,000), and the report should be made public as soon as possible.

It is disheartening and sad that the international community keeps seeing FDLR as the culprit, while ignoring world renowned criminals walking around the streets of Rwanda, while some of them play a major role in spreading rumors to tarnish FDLR’s image, and killing its members. The UN Mapping Exercise report was done while MONUSCO was in the DRC. The International community should be asking justice for the three hundred thousand Hutu refugees (300,000 Hutus), and well over five million Congolese people (5,000,000 Congolese) who perished at the hands of the RPF, instead of diverting the attention by blaming the FDLR, in order to turn it into a pariah organisation, while those responsible for the crimes described in the Mapping report, continue killing innocent citizens unhindered. This show the unwillingness on the part of the UN to address these crimes, because ever since the Mapping Report came out, almost five years ago, instead of pursuing those who took part in these horrible crimes, the UN decided to put it on the shelf, and instead it is pressing on with the policy of protecting the killers who are in power in Kigali. Therefore the African Union AU/UA should request an investigation into this policy.

The Coalition of Political Parties( CPC) stresses firmly, that there are no commercial activities involving the FDLR on Congolese soil or any other locations mentioned in the so-called report in question, we have already put in writing that the FDLR as an organization lives peacefully among the Congolese people in the areas where they sought refuge. Although those who are bent on tarnishing FDLR’s image seem determined to continue with this nefarious practice, it would be wise for them to seek a new perspective on the current situation with regards to the FDLR, because it has become clear that the Government of Rwanda has been lying to them, to the point where they may be led into committing shameful acts that may bring disgrace to their usually highly esteemed respective institutions.

The CPC condemns in the strongest terms foreign nationals who continue to interfere with Rwandese internal problems, while pretending to be part of various international organizations, whose main role should be to mediate in finding a lasting peaceful solution to the security situation in the whole region, and Rwanda in particular. The CPC would like to reiterate that there is no other path for a durable peace in the region without direct negotiations between the Government of Rwanda, the FDLR and the rest of Rwandese political opposition, instead of using the FDLR as scapegoat for the lack of security in Eastern Congo, the International community should pay more attention to the Government of Rwanda which has launched multiple invasions of Eastern Congo, and which seems bent on repeating the same pattern.

We would also like to remind the International community, that ever since the FDLR took the noble action of laying down their weapons to give peace a chance, the Government of Rwanda has not made a single gesture the indicate to the world and the Rwandese people that it is interested in peace in the least. Instead of seeking peace, the RPF Government continues to make its citizens fall victims to government orchestrated disappearances, imprisonment en masse, and assassinations, as evidenced by a the recent discovery of dead bodies floating on Lake Rweru in Burundi, with their arms tied behind their backs, a hallmark of RPF killings after hours of torture since 1990. This has led to yet another wave of refugees fleeing the RPF repressive regime.

The CPC is calling upon all Rwandese citizens to fight for their basic human rights, with every last once of energy, without relying too heavily on the so called International Community, because our history with the UN and other International bodies has shown us that they are not interested in the lives of our people. Peace and Security in our country is solely our responsibility first and foremost. Now is the time for us to stand up as one, and fight for our Freedom.

Alexis Bakunzibake

General Secretary CPC