The platform P5 is a coalition of political organizations AMAHORO-PC, FDU – INKINGI, PDP – IMANZI, PS – IMBERAKURI and RWANDA NATIONAL CONGRESS (RNC); the platform is open to other political organizations that adhere to its vision and values.

It is a broad based coalition of key stakeholders in the Rwandan society. Members of these organizations hail from all ethnic groups (Hutu, Tutsi and Twa) and regions in Rwanda with diversified background. They include persons who were members of the RPF and political parties active in Rwanda since 1991, as well as persons who never belonged to any political party before. There are personalities that have served under President Paul Kagame of the RPF and the government of late President Juvénal Habyarimana at different levels, up to the highest levels of the administration and government.


The Platform reaffirms that Rwanda is an independent Nation.

We want to build a state that respects the rule of law and human life, the rights and freedoms of the human person ; a country with a pluralist democracy and an independent judiciary ; a country without discrimination, which favours dialogue and reconciliation, ensures mutual respect among Rwandans themselves, and with other people; a country that emphasizes an integrated and equitable development, equal opportunity and social equity ; a country with an open political space, where governments are accountable to the people.


3.1.      We have a new vision of a Rwandan society in which diversity is an invaluable asset, where human life is sacred; where no one is a victim of his or her ethnic origin or past;

3.2.      We commit ourselves to a process that should lead Rwanda to a democratic renewal of a reconciled nation, where citizenship is a reality in its institutions and in all sectors of national life, a nation where people identify themselves first around political programmes, shared benefits and national interests, without any discrimination on the basis of ethnicity, region or any other basis.


We recognize:

4.1.      That the central problem of the Rwandan crisis is the management of power. This political problem, which lasts for centuries, requires a negotiated political solution. The lack of dialogue and political openness leads to a recurring pattern of access to power through violence using ethnicity as a springboard; this explains the absence of the rule of law, lack of strong institutions. This in turn leads to the anti-democratic and non-transparent elections regularly organized to give a façade of democracy to the outside world, and eventually leads to cyclical conflicts which have bedevilled Rwanda for a long time;

4.2.      That ethnic groups in Rwanda are a social and political reality;

4.3.      That criminal responsibility is individual;

4.4.      There is need for the National Commission “Truth, Justice and Reconciliation ” to search and clarify the truth about the foundations of recurrent conflicts, ethnic strife to put in place mechanisms to “achieve and maintain peace and national harmony “;


5.1.      To fight and resist all acts of genocide, war crimes, torture, racial discrimination and abuse of human rights;

5.2.      To form a government based on democratic values and agreed upon by all political parties; Where every Rwandan is valued and every Rwandan’s interest are taken care of;

5.3.      To create an independent judiciary that will be fair to all and will end impunity once and for all;

5.4.      To organise a Highly Inclusive National Dialogue that will bring together Rwandans from all walks of life, with diverse views, to discuss collectively on the past history and determine the best future governance of the country;

5.5.      To build a Rwanda where there is no place for discrimination and where all Rwandans are treated equally while enjoying equal opportunities;

5.6.      To enforce and affirm gender balance and equality;

5.7.      To address the root causes of Rwandan refugee problem;

5.8.      To take affirmative actions to unite and reconcile Rwandans and to rehabilitate psychologically those who have been traumatised;

5.9.      To create sustainable development that benefits everyone;

5.10.  To emphasise on security for the citizens making sure the security agencies serve the citizen instead of serving an individual or a specific group of individuals in power;

5.11.  To eradicate the policies of external aggression on neighbouring countries while working together to create stability and sustainable peace in the region.


6.1.      Establish constitutional mechanisms and institutional arrangements of managing power which would secure and reassure everyone, to end the flow of refugees as well as ending the various forms of rebellions;

6.2.      Ensure mechanisms that guarantee the separation of powers and redistribution of key positions in the management of the country, including a reallocation of key posts;

6.3.      Promote a common understanding of the history of Rwanda and ban partisan rewriting of history in the respect of the principle that the story should be reserved to historians;

6.4.      Create an independent monitoring commission for human rights;

The Platform P5

June 2016


Etienne Masozera


Phone : +1(819) 431 – 2167

Email: [email protected]


Joseph Bukeye

2nd Vice – President

Phone: +32 478 97 37 62

Email: [email protected]


Jean Damascène Munyampeta

Secretary General

Phone : +32 477 97 14 65

Email : [email protected]


Jean – Baptiste Ryumugabe


Phone : +32 486 46 08 24

Email : [email protected]


Théogène Rudasingwa


Phone : +1 (240) 477 – 9110

Email : [email protected]

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