Stockholm:Rwandan refugees in Nordic countries have organised a conference

Rwandan refugees in Nordic countries have organised a conference in Stockholm which focused on human rights violence committed by their government up to the far North and south poles.

Among the presenters in conference were hitting on the point of Rwandan terror on refugees and shrinking democracy,human rights though economic growth could be seen.

Women presence in parliament and other sectors of the state apparatus were being appreciated among the experts and policy makers who were invited by different refugee activist associations in Nordic countries but the reports were showing how women of our heritage do not feel represented by the women who are in parliament and other sectors.

Youth of Rwanda have suffered much in line of unemployment despite of persecution when they don’t embrace terror regime and among the Rwandan refugees present were deserters of M23 forced recruits.

More of the things repeated in the conference is infrastructure where the experts showed us how half of Rwandan population has no access to clean water.

Refugees showed the policy makers how they are killed by the agents of their heritage as threats yet threatened and victims of terror.

Among the people invited was an old journalist who showed the real life of Rwandan refugees in the region of East Africa ,what came to shock other activists present was how Rwandan refugees have decided to change their identities and origin so that they can be given protection in countries like Kenya and Uganda but this has been happening even here in Nordics(Rwandan refugees are denied protection in those countries according to the journalist).

Refugees were showing how they have lost hope of peace and security even in foreign land and they were asking the world citizens why they support their tormenters up to extent of making their killers peace keepers when they have never pacified with their victims?

Policy makers came to agree with those Rwandan victims of terror how they would have faced the evils inflicted to them if they were born Rwandans, Congolese or Burundi’s.

One of Rwandan refugee speakers told women policy makers to assume if they could have been born Congolese women how many times they could have been raped by the militias of President Paul Kagame and his masters in blood minerals and the women were taken by emotions and cried due to women and children who continues to suffer at the cost of aid given to this criminal regime.

It was a fun mixed with pain when we came to see one of the refugee whom most of us thought was a ghost since he was reported dead for same time back and we named him Ghost of Pascal in jocks.