Covid-19 restrictions and the awakened population

By The Rwandan Analyst

Since 2020 within the spread of covid-19 worldwide in general and in Rwandan specifically, the Rwandan government took measures to curb this pandemic among others wearing a mask, returning home before a dead time; social distancing; washing hands, prohibition of travels between districts; banning bars and restaurants. These measures which overtly did not produce any outcome given tangible outcomes and triggered anger from the population which is suffering from hunger due to unpopular policies. In this social context, yesterday, in Kimisagara sector, Muhoza cell Nyarugenge district, a policeman was bullied and police pick-up was stoned by angered local people. What is upraising the urban populations against the security officers? What is underlying this collective displeasure vis-à-vis the governing regime? The following lines succinctly discuss these issues.

On 08 July 2021, a pick-up of Rwanda national police was carrying police officers who were carrying out a patrol in the areas surrounding the market of Kimisagara. Randomly, they detected a woman who are dressing  a hand towel seemingly coming from bath was not wearing a mask. The car stopped and policemen started asking her why she was not holding a mask as other neighbors. In few minutes, a crowd gathered there amazingly looking at the woman who was fighting against the police who wanted to arrest her and bring her for a detention of 24 hours at the stadium to which are added 15000 rwandan francs of fine.

I have not 15000 frw; my children are dying from hunger because of you. Kill me hic et nunc instead of wasting time. I will go nowhere.Was complaining the lady. Then, some young boys started stoning the car of police and meantime others were striking one police officer who dared to walk far from the pick-up.

In general, the crowd seemed fed-up by the measures taken by the Rwandan government which visibly serve to nothing but on the contrary caused huge losses for city dwellers doing small business huge losses for city dwellers doing small business and employees of private sector whereby employers were compelled to review their contracts either by lowering salaries or by simply suspending them given that incomes decreased.

With inappropriate policies, the Rwandan regime creates enemies daily; this is how revolutionaries are born.

L’occasion fait le larron

This French saying is appropriately reflecting the situation in Rwanda: hiding behind covid-19 the Rwandan state issued unpopular measures as if he is experimenting with his dictatorship to which the population had resigned themselves. However, as a French saying says that a hungry stomach has no ears; the population who dreads dying of starvation does not will bend more to the tyrannical orders imposed on them to cover their petty interests.

Concretely, by limiting access to banks, the RPF the regime’s henchmen access all the bank accounts of well-heeled people who are not followers of the RPF, withdraw all their money and go to do business with it. When the owner of the account inquires about the manager, the latter opposes him that the high authorities have ordered them to block accounts or are deposited large sums to prevent capital flight. When the applicant threatens to go to court, he reveals the number to call in order to restore his rights.

when he dares to dial the number, it is the RPF headquarters which pick the phone and he is invited to go to the party headquarters at Rusororo. Politicians working there start sensitizing him to join the RPF and pay financial contributions promising him to grant him public markets. Besides, he is invited to integrate the people of the regime into his business. When he does not react favorably, they give him time to think about and he is given an authorization. access to the account with a limited amount that cannot be exceeded.

Upraisings ahead

Quite recently we have witnessed crowds of the urban population returning to their native regions when the state decided to ban travel between districts. These gatherings automatically contradicted the distancing measures and so people transmitted the patient to each other. by dint of approaching and jostling each other. Authorities and police forces were overwhelmed and could do nothing to prevent them from leaving because they know very well that these measures do not bode well in terms of food supplies.

This incident of Kimisagara predicts that with time, by starving them and imposing deadly measures on them the Rwandan  population will dare to attack the regime head-on with demonstrations without worrying about reprisals because the suffering imposed on them is no longer worth being silent and exceeds the fear of death.

Any popular revolt is the result of humanly inapplicable measures; we know it with the French, American, Rwandan revolution, and so on. By forcibly wanting to play the game of ostentatious prevention of covid-19 which until now has produced nothing as a return because the contamination figures are only increasing inexorably, the Rwandan regime is attracting enemies among even its followers by dint of famine. Who will survive will see.