Market capitalization is specific to stocks, bonds, and other assets. You can calculate it by multiplying the current stock price by the number of outstanding shares. Visit the official trading site of BitIndex AI to begin your bitcoin journey.
For example, if you owned 1% of that company’s shares, your portion would be worth $10 million.
However, cryptocurrency doesn’t work exactly like that since no actual “shares” are involved in cryptocurrency trading. Instead, only tokens or coins are issued during an Initial Coin Offering (ICO). These can sometimes be converted into “shares” later if they become security tokens, but this isn’t always the case.
What is market cap?
Market capitalization, also known as market cap, is a metric for determining the size of a publicly traded company’s stock holdings. It is calculated by multiplying the number of outstanding shares by their price. For example, if a company has 100 million shares that are trading at $1 each, its market cap will be $100 million.
It is a metric valued by calculating its stock’s current price and multiplying that by the number of shares outstanding. It can be considered “the market value” or “the total value.” In addition, it is an essential measure for determining how much investors believe in an asset’s potential growth or decline in value based on supply and demand factors currently affecting it, such as news events. Market caps are helpful when comparing different assets’ worths against each other because they’re all measured using similar terms (i.e., how many units are available).
Knowing how much something costs relative to another thing’s cost, whether they’re an apple or oranges. It helps us understand whether one thing is more valuable than another based on what people are willing to pay for it in our current economy.
Cryptocurrency Market cap calculation
It’s calculated by multiplying the current market price of a coin or token by its total supply. So, for example:
- If you have 1 BTC and BTC trades at $10,000, then your market cap is $10,000 ($10,000 x 1).
- If you have 10 ETH and ETH trades at $100, your market cap is $1 000 ($100 x 10).
This figure can also be expressed as a percentage of overall cryptocurrency market capitalization. It means how much all cryptocurrencies combined are worth in U.S. dollars (USD). For example: if Bitcoin has a 70% share of all crypto assets on exchanges meaning, it will take 70% of them off the table. Then a trader’s overall market capitalization would be around 0.7 x 100 billion = 70 billion USD (or R945 billion).
Why is market cap necessary?
Because of its simple calculation, the market cap is considered by many to be the most helpful measure of cryptocurrency value. You can use it to compare different cryptocurrencies or assets (traditional or digital) with each other. You can also use it as a benchmark for future growth predictions or to see how your portfolio performs over time.
How to calculate a cryptocurrency’s market cap
To find a cryptocurrency’s market cap, you need to know two things: how much of that cryptocurrency exists and what it is currently worth. For example, there are 21 million Bitcoins in circulation (the total supply), each trading at $15,000 (current price). Multiply 21 by 15, and you get $315 billion. This is what we call the market capitalization of Bitcoin.
Other ways to measure cryptocurrency value
There are many ways to measure cryptocurrency value. For instance, you can look at the price of each coin separately and compare them against one another (for example, comparing two different cryptocurrencies’ prices). Or you can calculate the total amount invested in a particular currency the number of money people has invested). The point is that there are more methods for calculating cryptocurrency values than just looking at their market caps alone, but this does not make it less useful!
Final Words
Market cap can be a helpful tool for investors and traders to evaluate the value of a cryptocurrency. In addition, it’s important to remember that other factors influence a coin’s price, and you’ll need more than one number to do your research correctly.