19 years on, UN should investigate assassinations of former Rwandan and Burundian presidents.

Exactly 19 years ago today; 6th April 1994, in Kigali- Rwanda two presidents were assassinated shot down in a Rwandan presidential plane. Those presidents were Juvenal Habyalimana of Rwanda and Cyprian Ntaryamira of Burundi. They were coming from a regional meeting which was held in Tanzania.

After their killing genocide erupted in Rwanda and more than 800,000 people dies in around 100 days.
On a letter sent to the United Nations secretary Ban Ki-moon, Global Campaign for Rwandan’s Human Rights requested him to order an investigation that would shed a light on assassinations of those two presidents.

Investigating and bringing to justice those responsible of that terrorist attack would be giving justice to family members of those who were killed in that presidential plane and contributing to the justice for those who were killed during the Rwandan Genocide and other killings that occurred after the genocide.

Global Campaign for Rwandan’s Human Rights reminded the United Nations secretary that UN has already ordered and investigated the assassination of the former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto assassinated Rawalpindi on 27 December 2007 and the assassination of the former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik
Hariri assassinated in Beirut on 14th February 2005.

Rene Claudel Mugenzi the coordinator of the Global Campaign for Rwandan’s Human Rights said’’ If UN can investigate the assassination of Prime Ministers who were assassinated when they had left office, UN should be able to investigate assassination of presidents killed while in office. Investigating an event that triggered a terrible genocide is important in bringing justice and healing that are important and strong foundation for a much needed reconciliation and sustainable peace’’

Global Campaign for Rwandan’s Human Rights will run the justice for Habyalimana and Ntaryamira until is done starting Saturday 6th April 2013.

habyarimana Ntaryamira


  1. I would like to thank the writer to this news and request to UN.
    What Ban needs or wait to start the realy investigation on the assassination of the two presidents. Are not human being? Why He initiated other investigations around the world not thinking about this? Why Ban accepted the genocide day for Rwandan died in Genocide but not think about others who lost their people after genocide.
    Please BAN STARTS as soon as possible the requested investigation.
    Thank you and best regards.

  2. Je vous remercie enormement d’avoir pense a ses personnalites disparues alors qu’il n’y avait pas vraiment de raisons de mourir dans ces circonstances!!! Il faut que la verite se sache et il faut que lea deux familles et les deux peuples sachent les investigateurs de ces assassinants . Si la verite est connue , ca sera le tour de la vraie reconciliation ! Je vous remercie encore et courage dans tout ce que vous faites pour le peuple des pays des grands lacs et en particulier le peuple rwandais !

  3. Whatelse do you need as invistigation?Aren’t you satisfied by the French invistigation that leveled that Habyara has been killed by his own soldiers?Wait for another one, you will wait until you die!!!!

    • shut your mouth because you have nothing to tell and you are very stupid.We don’t need the men us but we need the men with solid ideas who are able to construct Rwanda ok.

  4. justement,on ne peut pas parler de paix,de réconciliation et de justice au Rwanda sans faire justice à toutes les familles des rwandais qui ont été victimes des atrocités depuis octobre 1990 jusqu’aujourd’hui.Il est temps que l’histoire change parce que,nous rwandais on ne va pas continuer à s’entre-tuer pour des fins des politiques inutiles,qui ne profitent pas au peuples.

  5. justement,on ne peut pas parler de paix,de réconciliation et de justice au Rwanda sans faire justice à toutes les familles des rwandais qui ont été victimes des atrocités depuis octobre 1990 jusqu’aujourd’hui.Il est temps que l’histoire change parce que,nous rwandais on ne va pas continuer à s’entre-tuer pour des fins des politiques inutiles,qui ne profitent pas au peuple.

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