Amazing Places to Visit in Africa

A lot of inexperienced travelers associate Africa with safari parks, jungles, and a countless number of dunes in the Sahara desert. Nevertheless, there are a large number of jaw-dropping destinations. Let’s take a short tour of places that will drive you to fill your camera’s storage with marvelous shots. 

Victoria Falls, Zambia

Planning your trip to Africa, don’t forget to add Victoria Falls to your travel list. This waterfall on the Zambezi River is the largest in the world in the wet season. 

If you want to take blood-cooling photos, find the ‘Devil’s Pool’ and snap yourself swimming. This natural pool locates on the very edge of the waterfall. However, it minimizes risks of being plunging over the edge.

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Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

It’s hard to find a person who doesn’t know about the Pyramids of Giza. This wonder makes a lot of scientists debate of its origin. We also don’t know who built them, but we’re sure that you need to visit Cairo, Egypt and see them by yourself.

If you’re a student, don’t forget to do your homework before purchasing air tickets to Egypt. Feel free to use college homework help to you pass all your assignments on time. 

Sahara Dunes, Western Sahara

Do you want to see how the largest hot desert looks like? Unfortunately, the only way to do this is by using a plane only, since it’s as large as China. To capture marvelous views where Sahara Dunes reach the ocean, you need to go to Western Sahara and hire a local guide.

Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

This national park is known for the famous annual migration of wildebeest and zebra. Looking for a new pasture with fresh grass, they move to southern plains from the north. Unfortunately, their path isn’t effortless. They need to get over the Grumeti River, in which hungry crocodiles are waiting for them.

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Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar

The fascinating view of giant trees that grow on dirty road curbs will 100% impress you. To see them by yourself, you should go to the Madagascar island that locates west of Mozambique. Also, this island is home for cute creatures, lemurs. 

If you want to see them by yourself, but have a tight study schedule, use online academic writing help. Consequently, you’ll allocate some time for a voyage and get high grades with no hassle. 

Le Morne Brabant, Mauritius

Do you want to have a luxurious rest in Africa? In this case, you need to go to Mauritius island that is located west of Madagascar. The Le Morne Brabant peninsula is one of the most cinematographic places in the world. 

This place will impress you by azure water, sand coast, and impressive basaltic monolith that goes high for over 500 meters. This place is a great alternative to the Maldives that will bring you unforgettable emotions.

Note, it requires a lot of time to reach the island due to its location. Thereby, if you’re a student, feel free to order help with paper writing to pass all your assignments until the past due.

Things To Do Before Going to Africa

For starters, you need to do in-depth research to discover your further destinations as much as possible. Note that most African countries are freaking-hot, even in winter. So you should take clothes that will protect your skin from the UV rays.

Also, don’t expect to have ATMs on every corner in Africa. Bring cash dollars if you don’t want to have any issues. Finally, don’t forget to do the required vaccinations and get traveling insurance.