Kigali, Rwanda – Shyaka Jessy, a 24-year-old nursing student and son of Lt Col Murwanashyaka Felix, lost his life in a tragic incident. The young man, known for his aspirations in both academics and athletics, met an untimely end at his home on the rainy night of Monday, January 8, 2024.
At precisely 00h14, amid the backdrop of a heavy downpour, a loud bang shattered the quiet of the night. The source of the noise: a devastating incident within the family’s residence. Shyaka had secluded himself in the boys’ quarter of the home and, in a distressing act, used his father’s pistol to take his own life. The consequences were immediate and fatal.
Shyaka Jessy had a budding career in basketball. His profile as an athlete can be found on the AfroBasket website. He played for the APR Basketball Club, as detailed on YouthBasket.
This incident raises critical questions about firearm safety and mental health awareness, especially among the youth. It serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of supporting young individuals in their mental health struggles and ensuring secure storage of firearms in homes.