Rwanda: Monarchist Candidate Manirareba Herman Submits Incomplete Presidential Nomination

Manirareba Herman, an aspirant for the Rwandan presidency, submitted an incomplete candidature to the National Electoral Commission on the evening of May 24, 2024. His submission, which was received by the Commission’s President, Oda Gasinzingwa, lacked several mandatory requirements, including the collection of 600 supporting signatures.

Manirareba Herman

Manirareba, who is known for his controversial views and legal actions against the Catholic Church, acknowledged the difficulties he faced in gathering the necessary support. He emphasized that the journey to secure these signatures was challenging, citing the general unawareness among Rwandans about electoral processes as a significant obstacle.

“It’s not easy, but I submitted what I had, and I plan to provide the rest in accordance with the National Electoral Commission’s regulations,” Manirareba stated. He highlighted that obtaining the 600 signatures was particularly tough due to the various hurdles encountered, primarily stemming from the lack of public understanding regarding elections.

Manirareba, a resident of Kigali originally from Nyabitare village in Gitare cell, Nyarubaka sector, Kamonyi district, has made headlines for his intention to restore the monarchy if elected. His contentious stance includes claims that the Catholic Church has undermined Rwandan culture and fostered division, along with his assertion that the Virgin Mary’s apparition in Kibeho never occurred.