Rwanda National Congress (RNC) condemns the government of Rwanda. For their actions in destabilizing the Great Lakes Region.


Rwanda National Congress (RNC) condemns the government of Rwanda. For their actions in destabilizing the Great Lakes Region.

A United Nations Group of Experts report dated January 15, 2015, has exposed the actions of the Rwanda Government (GoR) and its evil plan to destabilize the Great Lakes Region, in this case, Burundi.

The copy of the report, of which Radio Itahuka of Rwanda National Congress obtained; exposes the Government of Rwanda in their constant invasion of both Burundi and D R Congo’s sovereignity. All of which may constitute violations of International Laws. According this expert report, Rwanda plans to oust President Pierre Nkurunziza by all means, including violent means.

Rwanda national Congress reminds the International Community that, this is not the first time. Different United Nations’ Experts reports have exposed the Governement of Rwanda in its
behaviors to meddle into internal
political matters of neighbouring countries.

In 2013, the United States of America suspended their annual military aid which it used to award to the government of Rwanda. This was due to government of Rwanda’s involvement into internal politics of D R Congo, by forming, training and arming a rebel group known as M23.

President Kagame has also threatened to kill other nations’ elected Presidents. In some cases, strong evidences and testimonies suggest that, he did in fact kill Presidents of other countries.

Rwanda National Congress calls on the International Community and the United Nations in particular. To treat this report seriously and act accordingly, in order to prevent political bloodshed, gross human rights abuses and political violences in the region.

Rwanda National Congress takes this opportunity to remind the Government of Rwanda, that the organisation will continue to advocate for Rwanda’s rights until Rwanda becomes democratic and oppression free state.

Jean Paul Turayishimye
Spokesperson, RNC