The Best Ways You Can Bring Your Office Christmas Party to the Next Level

The Christmas season is once again upon us, and it’s unbelievable how fast time flies! There is no doubt that many of us are looking forward to it, especially when we think about the nightmare of the last two years. But thankfully, it is almost over now, and there may be a few hiccups here and there, but we can honestly say that the worst has passed. So what now? Well, it’s obvious – it’s time to celebrate! If you haven’t yet thought of your Christmas party in the office, it’s time to work on it – particularly since many other offices and companies will soon think about it. Of course, if you want a spectacular location and venue, you must move as fast as possible. But what other things can you do to make it your best Christmas party ever? Here are the best ways to bring your office Christmas party to the next level. 

  • Serve a special meal 

Of course, food and drinks are always involved in every Christmas party at work. But if you want to take your Christmas party to the next level, you can start by serving everyone a special meal. It can be a sit-down or cocktail affair, as long as you serve the special meal along with it. It is easy if you plan to have your office Christmas party at a restaurant – food will already be served, and you have to pick a menu. But if you are having your Christmas celebrations elsewhere, you can ask each department to bring a dish (potluck style – it’s great if you are on a budget), or you can hire some food stalls (like the ones provided by (an excellent idea if you’re looking for a more casual affair – and it’s not expensive, either). Make sure to check if anyone has special dietary requirements or food allergies, and once you’ve provided for them, you’re good to go! 

  • Have a gift exchange 

Another simple yet effective way to add excitement to your Christmas office affair is by having a gift exchange. It isn’t necessary, but it makes it all the more special. For example, you can go for a White Elephant or a Secret Santa exchange. For Secret Santa, everyone picks a name out of a container and buys a gift for the person they picked. For the White Elephant game, everyone selects a number from a container, chooses a ‘mystery’ gift, or gets the chance to steal a gift from somebody else. To ensure things are fair, put a price cap on the gifts. You can find a variety of suitable and unique gifts within your budget at, perfect for adding an element of surprise to your White Elephant exchange.

  • Plan Christmas games 

It’s all well and good to serve good food and keep the conversation going with free booze, but if you want to bring your Christmas event at work to an insane level of excitement, why not plan Christmas games? There are lots of games that can get everyone excited and riled up, and you can start with a biscuit decorating competition – and whoever decorates the funniest or cutest biscuit wins. You can also have other, more thrilling games – from Christmas charades to a Christmas trivia game to ‘human gift-wrapping’ and a relay race with the use of Christmas tree ornaments placed on spoons – you should have no trouble at all choosing a game that your employees will love!