Jean Paul Samputu position on the song: RWANDA DOHORA


In recent days, different social media platforms commented leaked conversations about my person, my participation in a number of different activities related to my country, and my work on peace, love, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Following those debates, Jean Baptiste Byumvuhore, my compatriot friend and colleague artist released the song: RWANDA DOHORA, on 04/08/2020, in which my name is also mentioned.

I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize that my work on peace reconciliation and forgiveness, and particularly my commitment to the healing of Rwanda, is unquestionably about bringing people together regardless of their faith, their political affiliations, or personal histories.

In regard to the leaked audio conversations where my commitment to Rwanda is undeservedly questioned, I would like to distance myself from the act of taking private conversations into the public domain without the prior approval of the individuals who made those comments. Regardless of how much I disapprove of the degrading nature of what was said about me in those conversations, I do not find it helpful that these private audio messages came to the public domain. Making them public took away the necessary and much needed opportunity for further dialogue to resolve misunderstandings peacefully.

In regard to the song RWANDA DOHORA that is dedicated to me, among other Rwandan artists, I would like to clarify that the author did not ask me in advance to be mentioned in his song. The views in that song, therefore, remain the sole responsibility of the artist.

That said, I remain committed to the work of peace, love, unity, reconciliation, and forgiveness. Most importantly, I commend the efforts made in our country and in the different communities of our diaspora in order to bridge differences and bring about the much needed healing in the aftermaths of the genocide against the Tutsi. I keep working tirelessly to make sure my voice is a positive contribution to these efforts.

God bless you,
Jean Paul Samputu